Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Charlie's First Month

Charlie's first month has been pretty exhausting but also very fun. He still likes to party all night and sleep all day. Here are some of the things we have done since he was born.

First bath at home.

Good Harbor Beach (pronounced Good Hahbah). This is in Gloucester where all of the teenagers are pregnant.

We dug a sweet hole.

The Old North Bridge, site of the shot heard 'round the world.

Walden Pond.

Scooper Bowl.

Salamanders at Camp Joseph in Sharon, VT. Birthplace of Joseph Smith.

Our cabin at the campsite.

Back to the beach.

An even sweeter hole.


Brooke said...

You're amazing Anne! Look how hot you look after just having baby Charlie. I can't believe you went camping! Love it... so Anne:)

JaredLauraDespain said...

Anne, you look reaaly good. Wow. I love your picures. They are so funny. You should have left Jack in the hole.