Friday, October 8, 2010

Ive put this off long enough

I keep forgetting to post that Im pregnant. The due date is April 3rd. We will for sure find out what the sex is in the next couple of months. We are really excited!


JOE BURNS said...

(This is kenzie used-to-be klein). Oh my gosh anne.....I'm super excited for you guys! I can't wait to find out what you're having too!

If you know the next time you're going to be in st. George & could meet up, let me know. I'd love to see you & meet your boys!

My little Wynter Bug will be a year soon....I can hardly believe it!

turleybenson said...

I heard the news, and I keep meaning to email you. Congratulations!! How fun to have a little girl! (trust me, I know)

W.M. said...

!!!yesssss!!! so exited!

Melissa said...

I'm glad there is someone else here that will have three, young, crazy kids so I don't stick out so badly!

Brooke said...

Wow! #3! Congrats! I'm due just a month after you... crazy.

Unknown said...

ANAL! It's Leslie. Congratulations, I hope it's a girl ;) I need your number, not sure why I don't have it... Wanna chat and catch up, I miss you!